Assignments – Urban Design


Below are a series of design activities, which can be used for home learning. They can be spread over three weeks or done in one. They assess design capability and require students to follow the design process in an Urban Design/Architecture context. They are based around the town Harchester, so additional background can be obtained in the Harchester section on the website. The data collected from the assessment can give you an insight into student design capabilities within the Design Process.

The Tasks

Below are a series of tasks. Although you can pick and choose, they are in a sort of order, both in design progression and complexity.

The Design Sheets

Below are the sheets you can use with students to direct their thinking. These can be used individually or put together in a booklet.

Below is a booklet with all the Design sections together

Additional Support Sheets

Marking Scheme


Below is a PowerPoint used to explain how to answer the Design Question, with examples and illustrations.