A style of Architecture which emerged in the 1950s in the UK to address the need to rebuild post-war. It is characterised by minimalist constructions that showcase the bare building materials and structural elements over decorative design and by their massive, monolithic and ‘blocky’ appearance with a rigid geometric style and large-scale use of poured concrete.

Objectives – Coursework
- To understand Brutalism architecture, it place and its impact upon design
Objectives – Exercise
- To start to understand the meaning of buildings – identify elements to help design
Objectives – Presentation
- To share information and a historical perspective on design
Click on links below to download resources:
Brutalism – Building Analysis Worksheet
Supporting PowerPoint – Brutalism
Teacher’s Notes – Brutalism with some Key Questions

A brilliant Map Resource showing the main Brutalist buildings based in London, other maps are available for other cities and design movements. Highly recommended
Company Website: http://bluecrowmedia.com/