Slide Shows

Below are a series of PowerPoints to support the CABE Projects, unfortunately they are too large to upload so I have converted them into PDFs and added the support notes under each one. If you wish to acquire the PowerPoints, just email me and I will sort something out


  • Purpose – To show and discuss a general range of streets around the UK, to begin to get children thinking about different buildings, streets, details and materials in the built environment


  • Purpose – A general introduction to analysing the street looking at materials, doors, windows, shapes, pattern, colour and street furniture


  • Purpose – To look at the impact of traffic, pedestrianisation, street furniture, public space and materials


  • Purpose – To look at a before and after of a regeneration project and discuss the changes, improvements and impact that regeneration can have on an area

This last slide show is in PowerPoint, which includes the necessary notes