A level
Please always check any information here with regards to examination board information and possible changes. The information here is only valid from the date of posting and many examination boards add additions as the specification evolves.
Please consult each examination board’s website on a regular basis, as further changes may occur throughout the year.
Link to PEARSON EDEXCEL Exam Board A level DT Page
- A direct link to the Exam Boards DT resources and information webpage.
Posted – Feb 2022
- The main document with the detail needed outlining both the coursework and examination elements.
Support Resources
Post – June 2018
- Outline of the course and the assessment within it
Mapping Document – Textbook to 2017 DT Specification
- Document mapping out the new specification against the DT textbook
- Basic list of all the theory that needs to be covered
A Level Content – Year 12 checklist
- A list of all the theory that needs to be covered in a checklist format
GCE – Design-Technology – Scheme of Work
- A suggested outline from the examination board, of how the theory can be covered. It has a very useful feature, with the theory content being linked to additional resources and websites. This is why it is included, although we are not following the suggested programme
Mapping document – Pearson to Pearson
- Document comparing the new specification to the old
DT Maths – Teacher Guide – final version
- Document supporting the Maths element in the course.
Posted – June 2018
Link to NEA PROJECT Information
Link to EXAMINATION Information