Two-Point Perspective

Brief Outline of Programme

Task 1 – Drawing the nine crates

Task 2 – Drawing the two-point perspective house

Task 3 – Practice details

Task 4 – Drawing assorted houses



Task 1 – Drawing the nine crates

This first stage is to learn the basics of perspective. Here is an exercise where you can go through how perspective works. Again we are using the crating system.

Remember, these crates form the basis for more complex designs and can be added to and subtracted from, like in the Isometric section.

Although other avenues can be explored, we are focusing upon architecture and design in the built environment, so we will be following this line of drawing

Task 2 – Drawing the two-point perspective house

Here it is important to emphasis ‘eye level’ in relation to the house, this concept of getting the right angle and eye level is also important in one-point perspective as well

Task 3 – Practice details

It is essential we follow the concept – Research informs Design

Below are a series of sheets which focus upon the detail. It is important you try and copy these as accurately as possible.

Task 4 – Drawing assorted houses

Below are a series of sheets with examples of a range of houses. Using the above experience, select a few and try to draw them, maybe even change a couple of details or even combine them.


Now, this is done, why not have a go at the Assignment Link Project 02- Eel Marsh House. An excellent assignment to test what you have learnt and apply the skills and understanding you have gained from these drawing exercises. Click on the link below:

Assignment Link 02 – Eel Marsh House