Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE)

 Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE)

The role of CABE was to advise the government on architecture, urban design and public space in England, as well as to influence and inspire the people making decisions about the built environment. It championed well-designed buildings, spaces and places. It ran public campaigns and provided expert, practical advice to people within the field and it worked directly with architects, planners, designers and clients.

Other pages you may enjoy:

CABE was set up by the government in 1999 and was funded by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport and the Department for Communities and Local Government. However, it was merged into the Design Council in 2011.

It also developed some brilliant materials for schools, some of which I have put on here.

However, some of the school resources have been ‘mislaid’ and I am trying to track these down. I have found some of them and these can be accessed on the links below. I contacted the Design Council, but they do not have any copies of these missing documents. As soon as can find them I will put them up on the site. If anybody knows where they are or have a set pleasing, please contact us.

However, these are some of the main ones that are available:

  • A great starter booklet, although aimed at KS2, gives a great base to work from
  • It would work well at KS3 or 4 with a bit of alteration.
  • It has schemes of work and some great lesson plans and activities
  • It has some great resources sheets which could be used with any year group
  • The main booklet for KS3 & KS4 work
  • Great range of projects, both research and design, looking at the built environment
  • All cross-referenced with learning objectives, questions and activities
  • Supported by some great handouts, references and cross curricular links
  • Information about a project run by CABE
  • Brilliant resource to develop your understanding of design to Built Environment
  • Useful to help develop your understand of the importance of design
  • Great resource to support architectural visits

Links to Resources

Links to Individual pages:

Fortunately, the original site has been archived at the Government’s National Archive and can still be accessed. The link is below:

Most of these resources are still available on the Archive website above, with some extra materials you may find useful

Note – Copyright – It is a little unclear about who owns the copyright of these materials, as CABE is now part of the Design Council. However, these materials have been put on here in good faith and to support, share and encourage the teaching of Design & the Built environment within schools.

These materials are for educational use and this site is an educational support site, voluntary run, for non-profit and for no financial gain. If people use these materials they must be for educational use only and not to be sold or used for profit.

However, if the copyright owners identify their work and object to there use, please contact me and they will be removed immediately, but hopefully you would allow the continuation of their use.

However, I would like to point out that these are some of the best ever resources I have seen to encourage Architecture and the Built Environment in schools.