A suggested Model of Delivery.
In this section, there are outlines and overviews on the course, as well as links to assignments and resources
There are links to an Aim and Purposes page, which includes loads of information about the philosophy, purpose, meaning and justification for Design and Design & Technology, both in education and the curriculum
There are the links to all the information you need, including the main projects and assignments undertaken by the students over the five years of their Design/DT experience.
In some years not all the projects were undertaken as it depended upon the groups and the type of students undertaking the course, their speed and how the work progressed. It was important to see in what direction the students took their work, so some projects were expanded and extended to allow these creative avenues to be explored. The important thing was to be flexible; and to vary the work as the groups and projects evolved.
Detailed resources explaining what Design is about, why it’s important and how it relates to other subjects.
Download Document – Course Aims
Document includes:
The Course
- Framework
- Essential Approach
- Deeper Aims & Purpose
- Background
- Phases and Key Stages
Stages of the Course
Download Document – Course Overview Chart
WORD Document Version – A3 in size
PDF Document Version – A4 in size
Link to Phase 1 – Key Stage 4 Details Page
KS4 & KS5 – Regeneration Design Assignments
KS4 – Environment Design Assignments
KS4 – Graphic Design Assignments
KS4 Contextual Design Assignments
KS4 – Non Examination Assessment
It was intended to have each year building upon the last, to create and evolve students to become independent thinkers and designers. It was also an intention to develop an awareness in the students to look at the world around them in a creative and positive manner, promoting the concept the we design to improve the quality of life and relationships. It was intended for students to see projects as a challenge and exciting, whatever the task that needed to be undertaken.
The course is structured upon a number of projects, which supports and leads into the next. Each project not only takes the students skill set forward, but also their thinking, imagination and design capability.
The five years were divided in to five stages:
Year 9 – Immerse
OVERVIEW: To evolve, re-enforce and recap the student’s basic D&T skills from Key Stage 3 and to instil the working methods, approach and thinking needed to enable students to develop their thinking to a stage where they can realise their ideas independently.
Year 10 – Develop
OVERVIEW: To develop the student’s skill base further to enable independent manufacture. To give them the flexibility and confidence to create their ideas independently, with a clear understanding of all the stages of the design process.
Year 11 – Realise
OVERVIEW: Although an assessment year, this is the fruition of all the previous year’s work. It is an opportunity for students to show their design capability in a large and challenging situation.
OVERVIEW: To evolve, develop and enhance, not only the student’s skill levels, but also their creativity and imagination in idea generation. To give them confidence to explore ideas and avoid the mundane. Also, to give them an understanding of design in the outside world, which could give them opportunities, if they wish to pursue them, or enhance their careers, if they don’t.
OVERVIEW: This is the culmination of the student’s five year experience. It is an opportunity for students to show their capability, independence and vision, in a large and challenging context. Through their experience of the whole course, it is hoped they will be able to think as designers, which will contribute to all aspects of their lives and the lives of others.