Welcome to
Inspiration in Design
Design for the 21st Century

This site is intended to support, encourage and inspire ‘Design in Education’ for all years, especially for those who are studying Design through either Design and Technology or A&D 3D Design, at GCSE and A level.

The main medias used are Graphics and Model Making, but at the heart of the teaching is the Design Process.

The course and materials here are mainly built around the themes of Design & the Built Environment, Architecture and Urban Design.
We live in a world that is ever changing, where manufacturing processes and materials come and go, but the one constant is the Design Process.
Within the site there is a clear belief that:
Design is designing and creating products, systems and environments to improve the quality of people’s lives and relationships.
This course for Design and Design & Technology defines Urban Design and Architecture as:
Urban Design is the art of making safe, comfortable and inviting places for people. It includes the way places look, work and feel. Urban design is the connections between places and buildings, creating the character of the built environment and the processes used to ensure success.
Architecture is “the art and science of designing buildings and other physical structures” and can include “the design of the total built environment” “From the macro level of town planning, urban design, and landscape architecture” “To the micro level of construction details and, sometimes, furniture.” From ‘The Basic Architecture for Beginners – P Moore 2020

Understanding what Design & Technology, and specifically Design, is all about, is essential. Below is a link to a page that discusses this so you can have a sound understanding of what we offer and why.

Click on the link below to take you to the main course page. This outlines the course in detail, with links to the aims and purpose of Design, as well as assignments that you can use.
The links/buttons below will take you to the appropriate pages

Links to:
Harchester Based:
Assignments set it the fictional county town of Harchester, which give context to the projects undertaken. It is supported by background detail through documentation, photos and maps to help understanding

Links to:

We are all designers first and foremost, and the materials and technology we use are there to support and resolve our process with a satisfactory conclusion.
Here on this website you will find the resources, ideas and information, which will support and guide you, and hopefully inspire you in your work. The site is constantly changing and evolving, reflecting the true nature of design in education; and the world we live in.

Although our focus is mainly Architecture and the Built Environment, we are still open to other forms of design, especially those that are unusual, interesting and original. Some of these will be evident within the site.
So, do not hesitate to make requests, ask for resources or suggest ideas, which will help develop the website further, a contact email is below:

Email address above. Another comments, advice and even mistakes, just contact me

The resources on this website have evolved over many, many years of teaching, and come from a wide variety of sources, inputs and contacts.
As a result, I am not completely sure where some of the items come from. So, if you recognise any elements which you may own, I fully apologise. Just contact me on the email above and I will remove them immediately, unless you give us permission to share them. For more information – Press button ‘Final Note Link’ button above.
If you want to know more about the site and where it has all come from, go to ‘Website Information’ or click the button below: