*Please Note:
All these websites have had an initial check before posting on here, but we do not guarantee their safety with regards to content being changed, security, viruses or malware, so please be carefully to check them yourself before use, especially if you wish to use them with students and classes.
Also, I suggest you double-check their content as well, as sites change and evolve over time and that you are happy with their current content, style and approach. I have dated each site from when I checked them to help guide you.
Hopkins Architects
*Checked 10/03/2022
*Checked 10/03/2022
Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners
*Checked 10/03/2022
Rogers Partners
*Checked 10/03/2022
Renzo Piano Building Workshop Architects
*Checked 10/03/2022
Zaha Hadid Architects
*Checked 10/03/2022
*Checked 10/03/2022
GRIMSAW Architects
*Checked 10/03/2022
Western Williamson & Partners
*Checked 10/03/2022
Studio MULTI
*Checked 10/03/2022