This is a great assignment to do during those winter months, when it is wet, cold and dark. You can build up the suspense during the launch using the PowerPoint and a bit of background music to add atmosphere, especially when you read the description.
This assignment should follow on from your perspective drawing teaching sessions and can be used to assess whether the students can apply what they have learned.
Link to: 2-point Perspective Drawing Exercises
Which is part of the ‘Design Drawing’ Section, tab a the top menu above or click on the Link here:
Country Estates and Auction House
Monks Place
London NW1
Dear Sir/Madam
I have been advised by Arthur Kipps, the solicitor for the estate of Mrs. Drablow, to request that you to put together an information pack to promote the auction of Eel Marsh House and all its contents. This is a difficult sale as there have been a number of problems with the said property, although much of it is hearsay and rumours within the local community, of which I believe has prevented the property from being sold. What these problems are is uncertain, but I believe they are just mischief by the local townspeople to prevent the house being sold to someone outside the district.
The pack will be issued to perspective buyers one month before the auction, which will take place in London at the beginning of February next year.
It must be of the highest quality and it has been requested that it have an illustration of the house on the front cover. The contents must include details of location, a plan of the house and layout, a general list of items including those special items of interest such as the paintings and the collection of antique clocks.
Deadline for the client – Thursday 6th January 1897
Auction – Thursday 6th February 1897
You must suggest a starting price and it would be advisable to research the current asking price for this type of house in this east county area. But it would be wise to reduce it initially by 10% to encourage interest, as the house has been on the market for over a year and there have been no offers for it so far.
I hope you find the proposed project rewarding and look forward to your submission on the requested deadline date.
Yours faithfully
Edmund Bentley
Senior Partner
Country Estates and Auction House
Copy of the above Letter – Task for Eel Marsh House
This document is in Microsoft Word to enable editing.
This document is in Microsoft Word to enable editing.
In addition, it can also be used as a handout for students.
Eel Marsh PowerPoint Presentation – Complete
The description is to be read to the students whilst showing the PowerPoint below, to create the appropriate atmosphere for the assignment ahead. Music can be used to add additional atmosphere.
Assessment Sheet
Click on the link above. This document is in Microsoft Word to enable editing. Focus the assessment mainly on the drawing & presentation elements, as this is mainly a skills assessment.